Thursday, February 4, 2010

And people wonder why kids are illiterate. Look at the article below...educating children is now about data management...instead of teachers in our schools, we'll have statisticians who apply a formula to all students, as if they are robots.

Here are a few of the "ARE YOU KIDDING???" winners:

“The education sector is on the cusp of becoming an information-based enterprise”

"...change the education culture to teach people how to take this information into account on a daily basis”

"To help highlight the type of leadership...necessary, the group last week honored policymakers and educators who have made substantial progress in promoting data use."

"Mickey Garrison, the school improvement director for Oregon’s Education Enterprise Steering Committee, was named as State data director of the year"

"...focus on making sure teachers are trained in how to use data in a way that helps them improve instruction."

“Data is in the forefront in education”

"...Peter C. Gorman, the superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg, N.C., school district was named data leader of the year."

Education Week: States Said to Lag in Using Data Systems Well